MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
Cape Radiology offers a specialised MRI service. Our MRI magnet has been recently upgraded. We have the latest generation of integrated coil and workflow technology allowing for quicker scan times, improved image resolution and expansion of MRI services. Dedicated metal artefact reduction sequences and dedicated MSK coils improve overall orthopaedic imaging. High resolution optimized protocols are used for neuro-imaging including specialized epilepsy imaging, functional MRI and tractography. We have a full Cardiac MRI service including myocardial viability assessment and myocardial tissue mapping. Optimized protocols are used for body MRI imaging including multi-parametric evaluation of the prostate gland, liver imaging with hepatobilliary specific contrast and in vivo liver iron content evaluation.
New 3T MRI Unit
We are proud to announce the launch of a new 3 Tesla MRI at Mediclinic Constantiaberg – the fastest diagnostic MRI available.
An MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) uses magnets and radio waves to provide images of what is happening inside your body. A 3T MRI, or 3 Tesla MRI, uses very powerful magnets – 15 times more powerful than an open MRI scanner. This means that the results are clearer, and doctors can better see the details of soft tissue and organs. It also means the results are faster, at 100 times the speed of a standard MRI exam.
Most noteworthy to some, is that the design of the machine has changed to offer patients more physical space. Patients can also keep their head outside of the “tube” for scans that don’t involve the spine, neck or head.
Our machine was commissioned in late March 2024 and runs alongside our existing 1.5 Tesla unit.