CT Abdomen / Pelvis

CT Abdomen / Pelvis

CT Abdomen / Pelvis


CT scanning allows for a detailed evaluation of the abdominal and pelvic structures. There are many indications, and examinations are usually tailored according to the indication.


When making your booking our CT staff will give you clear instructions regarding any preparations. In some instances you may be required to drink a very dilute contrast solution to opacify the intestines – this will be supplied with detailed instructions. Certain indications may require you to drink water prior to the examination. 

If you have any allergies, especially to iodine, or if you are pregnant, please inform the radiographer or receptionist when you make your booking, and again before any scans are taken.

Prior to having a CT scan with iodine contrast injected, we may need to have your renal function checked. 


Most examinations require the introduction of intravenous contrast. If required, a needle or cannula will be introduced into a hand or forearm vein prior to the examination.  The contrast medium is injected through the cannula during the course of the examination.

You will be required to lie on the CT table with your arms extended above your head. As the table moves through the gantry ring, the X-ray tube rotates around you. The duration of the scanning procedure will be between 5 -10 minutes depending on the indication.

After Procedure

Normal activities may be continued. The oral contrast is generally well tolerated and side effects are minimal.

If you have had the iodine contrast medium injected for the first time, you will be required to wait in our waiting room for 20 minutes after the procedure – just to ensure you don’t present with an allergic reaction.

Need to book an appointment?