PACS Access

About PACS and Referrals

Cape Radiology is a fully digital practice, using an Online PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System). This means that all examination images are digital and are uploaded and stored on our secure PACS servers. From there, they are (or can be) electronically sent to our referring doctors and the hospital we service.

Radiologists use an advanced 3D analysis and visualisation tool to assist with reporting CT and MRI studies. This 3D technology brings a high level of quality and efficiency to viewing patients’ images.

Radiologists’ reports are attached to the images, allowing doctors to view both the image and the report easily and in parallel.

PACS is also the system through which referrals and requests can be made.

Access PACS

  • Login to your PACS account online here using either a computer or mobile device.
  • If you do not yet have an account, you can create one here.
  • For ease of reference, the URL for the portal is:
  • Please note that pop-ups must be allowed on both iOS and Android devices.
  • No software is required to access our PACS but should you wish to download the full viewer (for PC only), you can do so after logging in by going to: Accounts / Image Viewer Tab / Download Full Viewer.
  • If you experience any difficulty, please contact us on +27 21 799 9937 or email
  • You can read the eRAD Web Viewer Quick Reference Guide here.